In Rome Tours since 2008

Classic Colosseum Green

irish sports pub in rome


 When in Rome, do as the Irish do? It is said that every Irish pub in Rome is close to something wonderful. An iconic ruin, a hidden church, a catacomb, a couple of ancient temples. Who are we to disagree?

 Rome has no deficit of Irish pubs. Several have been serving since the 1970s, some more opened in the late nineties and early noughties. All have their charm and attract as many Romans and beery expats as tourists.

 Since then, a few "plastic" Irish pubs have come and gone. The genuine Irish-owned pubs, however, have prospered, so we've revised the details of our in depth guide to Rome's emerald watering holes. If you want to beat the summer heat or take shelter from Roman rain after a few hours of interesting archaeological activities, this is the way of the wise!

 The Black Stuff in Rome is the Bible of Irish pubs in Rome. It was immensely popular back in 2009 when "Historical Drinking Tours" were order of the day, in so far as how we wanted to offer a traditional Rome pub experience with educational sightseeing, rather than a potentially injurious Rome pub crawl.

 We include first entrance to the Colosseum, after which you'll explore the Roman Forum (we include a simple infographic to help you get your bearings) and mysterious Palatine Hill. Then, with The Black Stuff in Rome Irish pubs guide in hand, the most popular drink since the Flavourful dynasty awaits... Guinness!

Related article:
Rome Tour Guides - Dos and don'ts


 First entrance Colosseum
 The Black Stuff in Rome


 Rated 4.8 / 5 by Charles F on March 25th, 2024  Fun day! Freedom to roam inside the Coliseum and then we took to the streets and settled down very well in half a dozen Irish pubs. We brought "The Black Stuff in Rome" Irish pubs guide penned by someone witty at In Rome Tours. Definitely different!

 Rated 5 / 5 by Ella A on April 5th, 2022  This was a great day for us! We had planned on visiting as many Irish pubs in Rome on the Saturday and we managed about 10! A little Guinness in each one was more than enough. We spent about 2 hours inside the Colosseum before and an hour in the ruins and then the first 3 or 4 pubs were literally across the street for us to get started. Such a beautiful area and the pubs were perfect for relaxing. Thank you!


 Traveller (18 years or older): €59
 Youth (under 18 years): €19


Classic Colosseum Green